domains are now owned and operated by the Kilroy family.
Patrick Tillery, Designer, Editor, webmaster, et all, of
website since its inception 1996
Mike Kilroy, keeper of the domain name and physically hosting
the site
Meghan Kilroy, co-editor (
Patrick Tillery, Editor-emeritus (
count up at bottom
below. Your access a wealth of WWII memories
or new stories for week starting 06/10/2018

Milt Dienes
is are a rare glimpse into the life and work of a renown
combat photographer from the Pacific war.

Cpl. Harry Paston
TO KOREA 1945-1946
| is mobile
friendly! No app needed. Try it!
Favorite Quotes 06/10/18
Changed often

a vet
KilroyWasHere has been described as a "National Treasure."
It is moved to the Library of Congress every 6 months for "future
historians and writers."
This site includes hundreds of first hand stories, thousands of
images, book reviews, strange, surprising and amazing stories
and much much more.
Emil's Mug
ever come between a Navy Chief and his Coffee mug!

Down for more!
First American Troops
in Korea
1. The Legends, Page 1 -- Legends
Page 2 -- Sightings
Page 1 -- Sightings
Page 2 -- Sightings
Page 3 -- Sightings
Page 4 -- Sightings
Page 5-- Sightings
Page 6 How the Kilroy Was Here legends started from the most
likely to the most whimsical. Sightings of Kilroy Was Here which
continue today
2. The Foreword and Dedication -- The
American GI -- Who we are and what are we doing here?
Volume 3. "The Way We Were" Stories from individuals
during the war years. These stories are sometimes heroic,
sometimes funny, poignant, or simply memories that must
not be forgotten. This Volume has two sub sections:
In Harm's Way,
Page 1 -- Page
2 --Stories from the front like: "About D-day
plus 5 on Saipan, I was watching for Japanese soldiers
along the beach who were sneaking in to give directions
for artillery fire. I was sitting in the turret of an
armored Amphib. About 2300 I saw the faint outline of
what appeared to be a Marine walking along the beach.
There was no moon and the only light was from a fire burning
about one hundred yards away. Japanese soldiers had a
habit of wearing U.S. Marine helmets and carrying M1's
when they could find them. In the dark they were hard
to identify by a silhouette. When the guy got within 50
feet, I asked the usual "Who goes there?". The
answer came back in perfect English, "ITS ME, GI
JOE. A MARINE LIKE YOU." So I aimed about 8 inches
below the outline of his helmet and shot. The next morning
there was one dead Japanese officer in the sand. I never
heard of a Marine calling himself G I Joe. I don't think
I ever will.
Home Front, Page 1
Many wonderful stories about life at home during the war.
One, a lovely, privileged debutante who rolled up her
sleeves and joined the war effort. Another, a beautiful
widow who struggled through it alone. Several more, for
example, a child's reaction to the Blitz in London.
4. The Places, Page 1
-- Page
2 -- What's left of the places that played a large
role in WWII or Korea. Some are still there while
some are just ruins. One is the German POW camp in
Clinton MS (near Jackson). "The good people in
Clinton and Jackson, MS just couldn't give up their
Southern hospitality long enough to run a proper prisoner
of war camp! Read this wonderful story of a POW camp
so good that the German prisoners come back for reunions!"
5. Miscellany, Page 1 -- Page
2 --This is some of the sidebars to that history. It
includes Gremlins and Foo Fighters as well as book reviews
and even Lena the Hyena
6. "The Rest of the Story" Page 1." Inspiring
and unique stories of the war years. You have probably been
sent some of these via e-mail. Many have been picked up
and sent around by people who were moved by them. Gordon
Sinclair's "The Americans" or, believe it or not,
when the US mainland was bombed by the Japanese. I don't
mean balloon bombs or shelling by a submarine, but actually
bombed from an enemy aircraft.
Volume 7. Letters to the editor Page
1 -- Page
2 --
Volume 7, Searches Page
1 - Page 2
8. Research Area. Awards -- Veterans Info Finder --
WWII Sites -- Korean War Sites -- Miscellaneous and Organizations
-- Commercial -- The place for serious
historians. It includes Awards and links to historic sites
you might not find on the search engines.
9 Tributes, Page 1 -- page
2 -- Second person stories and tributes to those who
shouldn't be forgotten. One, a young man who remembered
stories his father told him of New Guinea. He went back
and found the places and tells the incredible stories again.
10. Timeline of WWII and Korea. Major events with Kilroy
Was Here stories to put them in perspective.
11. Is the Guest Book
. . . Now's your chance
to write on HIS wall!
Volume 12. Searches, Page
1 -- Page 2 --
Where people post search for friends and relatives. If you are interested
in any particular subject there is a site search engine on all the
main pages.

Down for even
is mobile friendly! No app needed. Try it!
Was Here Produced Videos/Books

you heard of the forgotten saint from the Forgotten War? He
has received the Medal of Honor and is in line for sainthood.
Have you heard of the London
Guns? If Hitler had completed them, they would have lobbed
600 300 pound bombs PER HOUR into London. They never fired
a shot but grossly affected world history in ways we will
never fully know.
The US mainland has NEVER been
bombed from the air . . . right? WRONG! The Japanese did
in 1942! Find out the details.
These are only a few of the amazing
stories you will find in this book!
Click the image |
8 minute video about Frogmen & Saipan. Click
the image
15 minute Interview with Kilroy's children. Click
the image
from the archive of Margaret (Kilroy) Fitzgerald

amazing insight into life in WWII. Even a sad lament from
an unborn baby who's chosen father to-be is dying "My
father is dying, dying I say on a cold and cruel battleground.".
Click the image |

See all the latest news about Kilroy Was Here gathered
from print, web, and blogs from around the world (with
a lot of help from Google.)
Kilroy Was
Here is updated often!

(Stamp) or join Kilroy on Facebook -
click the Facebook image or HERE
( Kilroy)

Stamp courtesy of Sue Davis & Henry Elckhoff

stamp image courtesy Gina at
Stamp courtesy of
Don Priest
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Draw a Kilroy on every letter! It's easy. It takes only four
strokes, See:
Suggested by Tom Pennington

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Thanks to Jack Geesey

Thanks to Jack Geesey
count-up box was placed on Kilroy Was Here on 9/12/2001.
It has been counting since then. It originally said it would
stop counting after we got UBL. It will now remain at the
bottom of this page as a memorial to all who have died in
this battle against radical Islam!
bin Laden is dead and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is
locked up.
This count-up will continue as a memorial.
Todd Morgan
Beamer, 9/11/2001 before leading the take back over of
Flight 93